

Ensemble Dialogos & Katarina Livljanić
Kantaduri & Joško Ćaleta


Dialogos draws inspiration for this musical-theatrical performance of Hecuba from two Renaissance sources. In the 16th century, the Venetian polymath Lodovico Dolce (1508–1568) translated Erasmus' Latin version (printed in 1506) into Italian. Euripides' ancient Hecuba (480–406 BC). Dolce's elegant verse story about Hecuba prompted Marin Držić (1508–1567) to rewrite Dolce's text in Dubrovnik and write his own verse drama in Croatian. It was performed in Dubrovnik in 1559, after it was banned twice, because the authorities considered it too turbulent. Dolce and Držić, two Mediterranean twins born and died in the same age, today rest in two Venetian churches separated by a few steps and a few narrow channels of the stagnant Adriatic Sea that are not blown by the wind. Their two republics, the Dubrovnik Republic and the Serenissima, stood as two fortresses around the same Adriatic Sea, at the time when Dolce and Držić wrote their Hecuba. Did they ever meet?


Katarina Livljanić: Hecuba
Francisco Mañalich: The Ghost of Polidor, Polyxena, Polimnestor
Tonko Podrug: Odysseus
Milivoj Rilov: Agamemnon
Srećko Damjanović: Servant

Joško Ćaleta, voice and artistic direction
Srećko Damjanović, voice
Nikola Damjanović, voice
Tonko Podrug, voice
Milivoj Rilov, voice

Norbert Rodenkirchen, flutes, doubles
Albrecht Maurer, viela, lijerica
Francisco Mañalich, viola

Musical direction, libretto: Katarina Livljanić
Direction, set design, costumes, subtitles: Sanda Hržić
Musical reconstruction: Katarina Livljanić, Francisco Mañalich, Joško Ćaleta
Instrumental Musical Reconstruction: Norbert Rodenkirchen, Albrecht Maurer
Lighting and technology : Srećko Damjanović
Translation: Vojo Šindolić and Katarina Livljanić

Tickets available at Entrio.hr.