

Duo Valle&Vitis


Arvo Pärt
Da pacem domine

Alexandre Tansman
Suite in modo polonico

Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa
Deh, come invan sospiro

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger
Toccata VI (from: Libro primo d’intavolatura di lauto)

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Homage to Purcell. Fantasia on the Names of Ronald and Henry Purcell

Philip Glass

Arvo Pärt

Manuel María Ponce
Preludio – Balletto – Courante

Goran Listeš
Fantasy, Op. 8, No. 2


The project of the guitar and archlute duo is very unusual (since these instruments have never met in history), but it is artistically justified by the miraculous sonority that the duo can produce and the very precise selection of the repertoire, in order to convey a coherent musical message. The program focuses on his own transcriptions and elaborations of compositions of the 20th century that are directly inspired by the world of lute and guitar (Manuel María Ponce, Alexandre Tansman, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco), works in the minimalist style that are related to early music in terms of atmosphere or structure (Arvo Pärt, Philip Glass), as well as compositions by contemporary composers. At the same time, the program includes transcriptions of dissonant madrigals by Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa and music by Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger, in order to convey a sense of continuity between the past and the present. The duo consists of award-winning Italian musicians Andrea de Vitis and Simone Vallerotonda.

The concert was realized in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Culture in Zagreb.

Tickets available at Entrio.hr.